[Publication] My chapter in “Nuevas voces de política exterior: Chile y el mundo en la era post-consensual”

I had the fortune to contribute to “Nuevas Voces de Política Exterior: Chile y el mundo en la era post-consensual”. A book that proposes a new and progressive path for Chile's stance on foreign policy. Specially relevant for the moment of change that Chile and the world are going through right now.

I wrote the chapter: “Chile, pionero: desafíos y oportunidades para una política estatal frente a los actores digitales globales” in Cristóbal Bywaters, Daniela Sepúlveda Soto, Andrés Villar, eds. Nuevas voces de política exterior: Chile y el mundo en la era post-consensual (Santiago, Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica), pp.217-226.

This chapter is a more of a practitioner's paper that touches upon tech governance and regulation from a global south's perspective, and offers some perspectives vis-à-vis new technologies and policy recommendations, specific to Chile's context and foreign policy stance.

You can check out the chapter here:

Author’s accepted version (Spanish, non-final)

For more info on the book check out:

Book Information – Spanish

Amazon Kindle Info

See you in the next adventure,


